Anything is possible

"I know you're out there. I can feel you now.
I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us.
You're afraid of change. I don't know the future.
I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end.
I came here, to tell you how it's going to begin."

onsdag 9 februari 2011

Yogi Tea

Köpte chaite på Coop. På flärpen finns små meddelanden som kanske inte direkt ökar deras försäljning. "Man is the best medicine for man."

...så tyckte man tidigare att det är lite gay att dricka te lär blir det knappast bättre av det meddelandet. Eller det som följde "Laughing is the same everywhere in the world." Hela världen skrattar åt oss bögiga tedrickare?

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